What Are The Yellow Lilies Called? Do They Spread?

Lilium Longiflorum Hybrids (Class V)

Lilies are one of the popular flowering plants you can find as cultivated flowers and floral bouquets. These plants are considered the best flowers because they have a beautiful and elegant appearance, fragrant scent, and various colors. Moreover, since they are easy to be cultivated and developed as hybrids, people tend to grow them in their gardens.

In the northern hemisphere, lilies generally bloom in July and August and have many species in Europe Asia, and some countries in America. Some species of them have certain characteristics that distinguish them from others. To identify each division of lilies, there are nine classes that you can learn about their uniqueness.

  • Lilium Asiatic Hybrids (Class I)

Lilium Asiatic Hybrids (Class I)

This group is a hybridization of a lily that mostly grows in East Asia. These blossoms have a medium height with flower sizes ranging from 10-14 cm. Asiatic hybrid blooms are up to facing, outfacing, or pendant.

These flowers are recommended for beginner florists if you want to start to plant them because they can adapt well in all regions. In addition, Asian lilies are widely renowned for floral ornaments in home decoration. They can also last quite a long time in the vase.

  • Lilium Martagon Hybrids (Class II)

Lilium Martagon Hybrids (Class II)

Martagon Lilies are renowned for their striking shapes like an open cup or bowl. The size of the blossoms reaches 5-8 cm with a height of 1.2-1.8 m and has various colors such as deep dark red, lavender, orange, purple, white, yellow, etc.

The martagon lily can be found commonly in the Eurasian region, from eastern Portugal in Europe to eastern Mongolia in Asia. Although it is very suitable in containers or cutting gardens, you have to consider the level of toxicity, especially for cats.

  • Lilium Candidum Hybrids (Class III)

Lilium Candidum Hybrids (Class III)

Historically, this group can be considered one of the historic flowering plants that have been cultivated for more than two thousand years. Lilium Candidum or more commonly known as White Lily is a type of flower that grows in Europe. It has a pure white color, rarely yellowish, and tubular-shaped with a delicate. The size of this bloom can reach 10-12 cm with a height of 1.2-1.8 m and a distinctive fragrance in summer.

  • Lilium American Hybrids (Class IV)

Lilium American Hybrids (Class IV)

In addition to growing in Europe and Asia, lilies also have several species that grow well in North America. The characteristics of the flowers in this group are bell-like or tubular shapes. 

They can also grow to a height of 2 meters. In addition, they in this group can be cultivated well in pots but their sizes are slightly smaller. However, they are suitable for use as cut flowers in flower arrangements. So, if you are interested in getting them, you can contact flower delivery Singapore.

  • Lilium Longiflorum Hybrids (Class V)

Lilium Longiflorum Hybrids (Class V)

The lilies in this group are identical with their pure white color with a gentle aroma. Longiflorum Lily usually has a flower with a large trumpet-like shape. This flower is also known for producing a fragrant smell. Therefore, they are commonly used as a beautiful elegant flower arrangement for decoration. This lily cultivation can usually be found in the Asian region such as in Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines. 

  • Lilium Trumpet Hybrids (Class VI)

Lilium Trumpet Hybrids (Class VI)

Lilium Trumpet is one of the lily groups for several Asian species that has its shape like a trumpet facing forward. The size of the blossoms themselves can reach 18 cm. This flower is also known for its strong fragrance. That’s why Lilium Trumpet is so popular for cultivation by gardeners.

  • Lilium Oriental Hybrids (Class VII)

Lilium Oriental Hybrids (Class VII)

Based on its name, the Oriental lily can be easily associated directly with its hybridization based on the species of lilies in East Asia. They have a wide-open flower shape with wavy petals. In addition, they have a strong fragrance. These flowers have a height of 40 cm to 1.2 m. In addition, they are also very well-known and familiar with high-quality cut flowers and pot culture.

  • Lilium Other Hybrids (Class VIII)

Lilium Other Hybrids (Class VIII)

The lilies in this group are all new hybrids that are cultivated by crossing between different groups of flowers, such as Asiatic and Longiflorum, or oriental and trumpet. They also have various sizes and shapes. So, all hybrids are intended to obtain new species as desired.

  • Lilium Species (Class IX)

Lilium Species (Class IX)

This group consists of 100 lilies considered a natural species with a natural shape. These flowers mostly spread in southern Europe, Asia, and several regions in India and North America.

So, after discussing this group of lilies, do you have any interest in trying to buy, for example, a lily bouquet? You can try to find it at the nearest garden store, or you can get it more easily by contacting flower delivery Singapore. So, what are you waiting for?


About Sharon 65 Articles
Sharon Trusty is a fashion blog author who has been writing about her own style and other people's styles for more than eight years. She likes to share her thoughts on all sorts of topics, from dating to make-up tutorials to what she should wear today, and everything in between.